Whether you’re just taking a break for the week, or you’re getting ready to put your ATV in storage for a longer period of time, proper maintenance is a key component of good ownership practices. ATV maintenance can be an involved process, but it’s better to spend a little bit of time caring for your quad now than to find out that’s something’s wrong in the middle of a ride. That’s why we here at Loewer Powersports & Equipment have provided a guide to proper ATV maintenance. You can also stop by our location in Alexandria, Louisiana, for some personal tips from our experienced staff or to check out our ATVs for sale.

Review Your Owner’s Manual

Before attempting anything on your own, make sure you pull out your owner’s manual and review its specific recommendations and instructions. While we can give you general information that applies to most models, this is where you’ll find tips that suit your particular model, including how and when to service your quad and sometimes even with recommended products. 

Driveline Service

We’ll start with the engine. Ensuring that the power from your engine is transferring properly to the rest of the machine is an important part of maintenance, though one of the more complicated parts. Things like belts and chains need to be cared for and inspected. If you don’t have prior experience, you’ll want to find a trusted technician to do this for you, like the ones you’ll find at our dealership.


This one’s a little more simple. Just like your car, the oil in your ATV needs to be changed on a regular basis. Your owner’s manual will tell you how often is necessary, but if you check regularly and notice the oil is dark and sludgy, it’s time to replace it.

Changing the Filters

You’ll also need to change the fuel and oil filters regularly to ensure that your quad’s performance stays efficient. Your filters are designed to keep damaging materials out of your engine, so don’t slack off on this one.

Spark Plugs

Your spark plugs are an essential part of a working engine. If you don’t change them regularly, you risk stalling in the middle of a trail. This will probably need to happen after every 100 hours of use.

Radiator Cap & Coolant

Keeping your ATV engine cool is particularly important down here in Louisiana where temperatures can really start to climb. To keep your motor from overheating, make sure you always check for signs that your coolant needs refilling or that something is leaking. This is especially important if you notice steam or smoke rising from your engine. 

Protecting the Battery

If you know you’ll be walking away from your 4-wheeler for a while, you’ll want to take some measures to protect it. Removing the battery and hooking it up to a trickle charge is the best way to ensure you’ll still have a working battery when you come back to it. You’ll also want to check the posts every month or so for signs of corrosion.

Tire Pressure Checks

For a non-engine related maintenance tip, you’ll want to regularly check the tire pressure and see if the psi levels match what’s recommended in your owner’s manual. A tire pressure gauge is small enough that you can carry it with you on your rides and check the levels as needed.

While a lot of these checks are easy enough to do from the comfort of your own home, some require a little more skill, or specialized tools. If you need an experienced service department to help you with regular upkeep, contact our department at Loewer Powersports & Equipment. If you’re ready to buy your own four-wheeler, you can ask to see some ATVs that we have available at our dealership. We welcome all those from Rapides Parish and the city of Lafayette, so visit us today!