Guide to Financing
We break down common financing terms & products to make the process as easy and transparent as possible.
Mechanical Breakdown PoliciesFixed vs. variable payment. You cannot maintain technology (i.e. RoadCommand on Indian Roadmaster). VIP benefits, provides coverage for items not covered by most factory warranties.
Credit Life InsurancePays off vehicle and provides a check - Law of Successions - paid for asset vs. depreciating liability.
Disability Insurance
Protects credit score and savings by making payments if sick or hurt and cannot work - even a bad cold or flu could be covered - works just like when you were a kid and missed school.
Tire & Wheel
Covers the only thing that touches the ground and is not covered by your manufacturer warranty.
GAP Protection
Plan for the unexpected. Upside down = higher payment on next vehicle - better rate on next car. Covers deductible.
Etch Theft Protection
Deters theft - like having an ADT sign in front of your house.
Key replacement
Can replace all keys on your key ring and possibly cover locksmith service for both your vehicle and your home.